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主次参与活动已完成了稀土金属國家“六·五”省级重点科技创新技术革新创业项目和“八·五”重大科技产业攻关工程项目工程项目及一个国家自然美物理学基金、期货、现货、微盘工作等6顶目的国家级别研发顶目,地方级科技产业顶目20多项。获省部级科学性荣誉3项,撤稿毕业论文100数篇,中仅SCI360收录16篇,在科学研究杂志社杂志社杂志社发稿《强风化壳淋积型稀土金属矿化工类化工》论著,在美利坚杂志社发稿“Weathered Crust Elution-Deposited Rare Earth Ores”著作。


  • 湿法冶金:稀土提取技术,溶剂萃取分离技术。
  • 稀土化学:稀土功能助剂研制及应用,稀土药物研发。
  • 稀土功能材料:稀土转光材料及稀土长余辉发光材料制备及其应用,稀土功能陶瓷材料研究。


  • 风化壳淋积型稀土矿浸取过程强化基础研究(国家自然科学基金,51174102)
  • 流域主要稀土与钨矿山生态修复及污染控制技术集成与示范(“十二·五”国家科技支撑计划项目, 2012BAC11B07)
  • 风化壳淋积型稀土矿低氨氮提取技术研究(江西省重大科技专项项目,2010AZD10209)


  • 兼职江西理工大学招收和培养矿物加工工程博士研究生(稀土提取方向)
  • 兼职江西理工大学招收和培养矿物加工工程硕士研究生(学术型)


[1] Tian Jun, Tang Xuekun, Yin Jingqun, Chen Ji, Luo Xianping, Rao Guohua.Enhance leachability of a lean weathered crust elution deposited rare earth ore: effects of sesbania gum filter-aid reagent,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science. 2013, 44(5): 1070-1077.(SCI)。

[2] Tian Jun, Yin Jingqun, Tang Xuekun, Chen Ji, Luo Xianping, Rao Guohua. Enhanced leaching process of a low-grade weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ore with carboxymethyl sesbania gum. Hydrometallurgy. 2013, 139 : 124-131.(SCI)。

[3] Tian Jun,Tang Xuekun, Yin Jingqun, Luo Xianping, Rao Guohua, Jiang Mintao. Process opitimisation on leaching of a lean weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ores.International Journal of Mineral Processing.2013,119(2):83-88.(SCI)。

[4] Tian J, Yin J, Chen K, Rao G, Jiang M, Chi R. Extraction Rare Earths from the Leach Liquid of the Weathered Crust Elution-deposited Rrarꦅe Earth Or💛e with Non-precipitation [J]. Int J Miner Process, 2011, 98(3-4): 125-131. (SCI).

[5] Tian J, Yin J, Chen K, Rao G, Jiang M, Chi R. Optimisation of mass transfer in column elution of rare earths from low grade weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ore [J]. Hydrometallꦆurgy, 2010, 103(1-4): 211-214. (SCI).

[6] Tian J, Chi R, Yin J. Leaching process of rare earths from weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ore [J]. Transactions of N🦩onferrous Metals Society ofChina, 2010, 20(5): 892-896. (SCI).

[7] Tian J, Yin J, Chi R, Rao G, Jiang M, Ouyang K. Kinetics on leaching rare earth from the weathered c𝓀rust elution-deposited rare earth 🥃ores with ammonium sulfate solution [J]. Hydrometallurgy, 2010, 101(3-4): 166-170. (SCI).

[8] Chi R, Tian J, Li Z, Peng C, Wu Y, Li S, Wang C, Zhou Z. Exist🅰ing State and Partitioning of Rare Earth on Weathered Ores [J]. Journal of Rare Earths, 2005, 23(6): 756-759. (SCI).

[9] Tian J, Chi R, Zhu G🌌, Xu S, Qiu X, Zhang Z. Leaching hydrodynamics of weathered elution-deposited rare earth ore [J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society ofChina, 2001, 11(3): 434-437. (SCI).

[10] , 尹敬群, 谌开红. 混炼-石灰膏法解决铜冶炼废水处理的工艺的工艺论述[J].湿法冶金行业, 2011, 30(1): 74-77.

[11] , 尹敬群, 谌开红, 饶国华, 江民涛. 风化石壳淋积型希土矿浸出液水解浮选硫酸铜溶液物理解析[J]. 稀土金属, 2011, 32(4):1-7.

[12] , 朱百鸣, 尹敬群. 有色金属催化氧化以次充好然煤进行燃烧原因学分析 [J]. 稀土矿, 2002, 23(2): 16-19.

[13] , 尹敬群, 欧阳克氙, 姚慧琴. 固般配位化学工业自动合成稀土元素无机转光剂 [J]. 湖北小学科学, 2002, 20(4): 199-202.

[14] , 赵庆芳, 尹敬群, 蔡恒亮, 陈曙生, 程荣辉. 用环烷酸煤炭亚砜从混氯化稀土资源稀硫酸中萃取法分离处理钇 [J]. 湿法冶金工业, 2001, 20(1): 37-40.

[15] , 尹敬群. 稀士紫外线荧光防伪标uv油墨的制取[J]. 专注医药化工, 1999, 16(2): 31-32.

[16] , 谌开红, 尹敬群, 李毕业生. 稀士pp崔化废聚酯纤维醇解制取抗氧剂对苯二甲酸二辛酯(DOTP)流程科研 [J]. 精致细密油田化学工业, 1999, (3): 5-8.




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